Employee expense reimbursement is when an employer reimburses an employee for business-related expenses that the employee paid. For example, if an employee pays for a hotel on a business trip and their employer pays them back for the cost of the hotel, that is considered to be employee reimbursement.
If you're an employer, you need to be very careful about how you handle the reimbursement process. The amounts that you pay will always be deductible to you as a business expense, but the exact reimbursement process determines if the money is taxable to your employee and thus subject to payroll taxes. Here's what you need to consider before setting up a plan.
Employees may incur a range of different expenses in the course of their employment. As a general rule of thumb, if an expense would be considered a deductible business expense if paid directly by the business or its owner, it's deductible through an employee reimbursement plan as well. Here are some of the most common expenses that are subject to employee reimbursement.
Travel Expenses
This is one of the most common types of employee expense reimbursements. It includes expenses such as airfare, car rental, hotels, meals, conventions, and other costs that employees are likely to incur while traveling for work.
Mileage Reimbursement
If employees drive their own vehicles for work, their employers may offer to pay for the mileage. The employer typically uses the rate established by the IRS for mileage that year. Then, they multiply the rate by the number of miles logged by the employee. For example, as of 2023, the mileage rate is 66.5 cents per mile. If your employee drives 100 miles, you would reimburse them $66.50.
Meal and Entertainment Expenses
Meals and entertainment expenses are often incurred when employees take out clients or prospective clients. The employer can reimburse the employee for the full cost of the meal, but depending on the situation, the employer may only be able to claim half of the meal's cost as a business expense. Before covering entertainment expenses, employers should double check the IRS's rules — in 2018, the Tax Cuts and Job Act made significant changes to the deductibility of entertainment expenses for business.
Professional Development Expenses
This employee expense reimbursement category includes expenses related to professional development or education. This category generally includes webinars, continuing education, conventions, and similar costs.
Technology and Equipment Expenses
This type of reimbursement has become much more popular as employees work from home. Rather than requiring an employee to buy all of the technology and equipment for their home offices, most employers are offering reimbursement plans.
There are two main ways to deal with employee expenses — accountable plans and non-accountable plans. With an accountable plan, you reimburse your employees, and then, you claim a business deduction for the cost of the reimbursement. For example, say that your employee spends $100 on office supplies and you reimburse the $100. Now, you can claim that $100 as a business expense on your tax return.
In contrast, with a non-accountable plan, you have to include the reimbursement in your employees wages. You still get to deduct that amount as a wage expense on your tax return, but it has different tax implications for both you and the employee.
To illustrate, say that your employee pays $100 for office supplies, and you reimburse them through a non-accountable plan. This means that the $100 is considered to be wages to your employee.
Here's how that works: You include the $100 on your employee's paycheck, and it appears with their wages on their W2 form at the end of the year. They report this amount as wages when they file their tax return, and they pay Social Security, Medicare, and state and federal income tax as applicable on those wages. As the employer, you pay the matching portion of Social Security and Medicare taxes on those wages.
As you can see from the above section, an accountable plan saves money for both the employer and the employee. However, to be considered accountable, your plan must meet certain criteria. Keep these tips in mind as you manage your plan:
You need to handle employee expense reimbursement carefully if you want to avoid creating an unnecessarily tax liability for your employees or your business.
At Flynn & Co, we help businesses navigate the complex maze of IRS tax requirements, and whether you're setting up an employee expense reimbursement plan or anything else, we can help you do so in a way that gives you the most tax benefits possible. To learn more, contact us today.
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