Our team can:
Our clients maintain the high ground during negotiations.
We identify buyers who deliver the best valuation.
We outline the highest value and best transition structure.
Our team of professionals has been working to provide solid solutions for your personal planning and business strategy needs for over 27 years. All of our services are tailored to meet the diverse phases of your personal and business growth.
We develop relationships built on trust. Driven by integrity, transparency, and honesty, our clients can rely on our team implicitly.
Our staff has significant experience in a wide array of industries including financial institutions, manufacturing, construction, privately owned businesses, and not-for-profit organizations
We adhere to the highest ethical standards. The best interest of our clients drives every engagement and recommendation, so you can rest assured that we are looking out for you.
Our work is thorough, effective, and efficient. Financial matters should be considered carefully but not procrastinated.
Big enough to provide expert and comprehensive CPA services. Small enough to give you the individual attention you deserve.
At Flynn & Co, we are a full-service certified public accounting and management consulting firm headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. Founded in 1994, our firm is committed to assisting businesses and individuals in achieving financial success throughout the Cincinnati Metropolitan area and beyond.
Nearby cities we serve include but are not limited to:
Looking for help with your tax return or payroll? Or maybe you're interested in full accounting services. Whatever you need, we're here to help you get on with business.
(513) 530-9200
(513) 530-0555
7800 E Kemper Rd #150
Cincinnati, OH 45249
Contact us to find out if Flynn & Company would be a good fit for you.
7800 E Kemper Rd #150
Cincinnati, OH 45249
P: (513) 530-9200
F: (513) 530-0555
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